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Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Kardiac Klimb - 36k, 400m

  • Saturday, May 04, 2024
  • 10:20 AM
  • Priddis Community Center (Hockey Rink)
  • 5


Registration is closed

RIDE - LEVEL:  Intermediate

Coordinator:  Richard Thorpe

Distance:  36 km

Pace:  Out and back, so set your own pace

Elevation Gain:  400 m

E-Bikes allowed:  Y

"Klimb a Kilo??"  No chance.  We will ride to an overlook to watch the poor fools, I mean Big Dogs, on the Road to Nepal.

We go past the lake and site of Ty's Trailer, for any of you "Heartland" fans.

The those riders with the following are particularly welcome:

1. A pacemaker, or other embedded medical device. (eg. stints.)

2. Cardiac surgery, eg. by-pass, valve replacement.

3.  Age 80+ (or you feel that old.)

4.  Any other conditions that make you not want to "klimb a kilo."  ("Lazy" is NOT considered a qualifying condition.)

There are plenty of hills, but this is an out and back so slow is fine.

Bring water.   And moose spray.

As for all road rides a flashing tail light is recommended.

Porta potty in the parking lot.

Please be ready for a briefing 15 min. before start time.

We start from the Community Center/Hockey rink in Priddis.  Google map link:

Please note:  To cancel your registration, make sure you are signed into the system, click on the "already registered" button, then click the "Cancel Registration" button.  

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